
I have been playing the piano since I was 8 years old.  It has always been a tremendous source of enjoyment for me.  It is wonderful for private worship, and a cure for many ills–whether I need stress relief, encouragement, or uplifting.  It is also a great pastime and one of my favorite ways to have fun!

I have been involved in church music as a pianist since I was about 15 years old.

It was not until I was in my twenties that I began to learn how to improvise, play by ear, and make my own arrangements, which opened up a new world for me.  I was thrilled to discover that I could actually do what I had previously only dreamed of doing!

I would like to thank my teachers and those individuals who have been influential in my journey of learning.  Four individuals are notable:

Carol Churukian– You gave me an excellent foundation.  I realize more all the time how outstanding and invaluable your instruction was.  Thank you for your investment in my life.

Deborah Gates– Although our time together was short-lived, it was invaluable.  Your encouragement and tough assignments were the catalyst that helped me begin arranging and composing my own music.  Thank you for your help with improvising and ear training.  Your enthusiasm was contagious.

Jenifer Cook, thechurchpianist.com— Your beautiful music is always an inspiration to me.  Thank you for sharing your knowledge, ideas, and arrangements with us.

Greg Howlett, greghowlett.com— What I appreciate most about you is your solid instruction on theory and how to make use of theory; and the way you explain how music works.  I have never known anyone that explains it as well as you do, so thank you for being the one to do that.

Many thanks to my church in Bloomington, IL, whom I recently moved away from.  I could not have asked for better training ground or opportunities to learn, grow, and slowly gain more confidence in using the gifts God has given me for the benefit of others.  Thank you for so graciously putting up with me as I learned and gained experience, and for your constant encouragement.  I miss your exuberant singing!  I had a lot of fun learning to accompany you!  You also gave me good opportunities to learn to work with a variety of worship leaders as well as other musicians.

I would also like to thank my parents for providing the opportunities and resources that have enabled me to become the pianist I am today.  Thank you for your encouragement and for enjoying my music.  Mom, you always believed in me more than I believed in myself; and, in the end, you were right.

Last, but certainly not least, I would like to thank my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, Who gave me the people in my life and the opportunities that brought me to this point; and most importantly Who gave me the reason to praise Him.

Soli Deo Gloria,

Ashley Sherman

Spring 2017